Oak Lawn Cemetery Table

Oak Lawn Cemetery Layout

Welcome to the Oak Lawn Cemetery Page. This document summarizes data for 3652 graves and is jointly based on a 100% Photo survey conducted by Bill Waters in August of 2013 and on the Oaklawn cemetery directory maintained by the Women's Oak Lawn Cemetery Improvement Association. This table was created by merging the information found in the Oak Lawn cemetery Directory (3544 Records), the ongoing Iowa Gravestone Photo Project (GPP) (4152 Records), and the ongoing IAGenWeb Obituaries (Obits) (566 Records). These tables incorporate 106 pointers to photos of the deceased. The left columns of the tabulation indicate the source of the summary data GPP (G) and Obits (O). A camera Icon indicates that either an obit or a GPP record or both display a photo of the deceased. Note that some records have more than one source; this is because in many cases the information is redundant. If there is a disagreement, your county coordinator has used his best judgment about which information to include in the compilation. This summary contains a wealth of information that was made available by volunteers taking pictures and transcribing data. Those volunteers are to be applauded, keep up the good work! [Coordinator's note: The numbers in this summary do not "add up" for a variety of reasons, the main ones being that many married women (542) have 2 GPP records one with their maiden name and one with their married name and that most Family Stones (302) have adjacent smaller stones that mark individual graves.]
Iowa Plain Dealer December 24, 1891
This association was duly incorporated in 1874 or there about, and its articles of association placed on record. Its management is entrusted to a board of five trustees who are authorized to select from their own number, a President, Treasurer and Secretary. Vacancies when complete, are filled by election, when partial by the remaining members of the association. Section 8 provides for an annual election on the first day of January of each year, at which time an entire board of trustees is to be elected. The Secretary is required to give five days notice of the time and place of such election in Cresco, by publishing notice thereof in one or more papers in said town. Section 9 requires the trustees to annually report the financial condition of the association fully and in detail. For the year of grace 1892 such election will occur on the first day thereof at the Court room in Cresco from one o’clock to four o’clock p. m., of said day at which election all persons owning lots in the cemetery, and all members of the association are requested to come in and record their votes. It is time that some report is made to lot owners of what has been done with the funds received from the sale of lots, what its present indebtedness is, if any, and what are its resources for needed improvements on the grounds and about its enclosure. The public is entitled to this and if the present board fail to give the information, those interested must resort to “squatter sovereignty” and organize anew.
Plain Dealer article submitted by Joy Moore